Kategori: Utbildning

Recommended reading !

A very nice and informative post titled:

 ”Why I am not worried about Japan’s nuclear reactors.”


Two days of sunshine, and lovely weather, I do not to be sitting here by my computer.
Yesterday I went for a walk, and I am considering doing the same today,
I’ve lost that burning flame of energy, the stubbornness.

Yet I should probably concentrate on the upcoming  exams.
Tomorrow, Monday I have one in ”chartering and marine economy”and on Wednesday I have another exam for ”ship security officer”.  On Thursday, my thesis is due, and on March the 18th it is time for opposition on the thesis… ”sigh”

I see the light in the tunnel, yet, I feel so tired, so tired of it all… 
But I guess, everything will turn out for the best in due time.
If you have the opportunity, go out in the sunshine and enjoy it a little for me to !

Tomorrow, the first day of the last term at KMA

It has been a few very relaxing weeks, featuring birthday, christmas, new year with a birthday surprise. I spent new years at my brother and it was great, I look forward to leave Småland for Stockholm, or at least move further north, closer to them.

I’m 30 years young now, as of the 23rd of december, and my brothers and their families gave me a trip with an air balloon for prezzie. YeY, I am certain that it is going to be great fun, I just have to remember not to forget my camcorder.

My grandparents gave my a pocket-flask that has a great deal of family history to it.
From my mother I got a gold ring, both for my birthday and to celebrate that I got my 2nd officer license. And my father gave me a beautiful knife that he in turn got from a lapp, he met a few years back.

Now, it is the last day of my presumably last educational holiday, it feels a bit strange, but at the same time it feels great to be able to see the light in the end of the tunnel. I’ll have to start looking for jobs now, at the same time i’m at university. It will most probably be a very hectic spring, but everything will turn out for the best. <-- Self Affirmation... Well, I better go back to the preparations, one of my teachers were kind enough to give us work for the holiday, but I refused, I really needed the break. So I’ll have to take care of that now instead. Have a continuing great start of the new year !!!

Reach for the sky, or ocean rather !

It has been a few quite eventful weeks. 
I do have a tendency to overdo things, yet, in the long run, I think the positive effects outdo the negative ones. It has been a blast, manoeuvring exercises, meteorology, administration, case studies. I know for a fact, what I want to do in the future. I will probably try to find myself a job on a big company, outside of Europe, to get my wings… Or sails rather 😉

But once I have grown my own sails, I will return to the costal trade because the best thing with this job, is the manoeuvring, to become one with the ship. To know her, and her quirks, and guide her to where I want her to go.

One is never better then the ship you are  guiding, yet, one can strive to ever improve on one’s skill.  I guess that this is one of my many faults, I have a need to improve on myself no matter what. I never settle for what is good enough, even if I might say so to people who might be listening.

Life is a steep learning curve, and I try to climb a few step each day.  

M/S Lofoten, mooring…

Tentaperioden är slut.

Äntligen är tentaperioden slut, och hitintills har provsvaren ( låter lite medicinskt ) varit positiva. Inga tråkiga nyheter än, är faktiskt glatt överraskad. Nu väntar en tur norröver på första gången på snart ett halvår. Skall bli skönt att komma ifrån. Inte så mycket för julklappar å sånt, eller, det är en julklapp, eller snarare upplevelse som jag hoppas på, tankarna upptar en stor del av mina dagar.

Snön lyser med sin frånvaro, det var länge sedan jag hade en födelsedag med snö, så det är ju inget konstigt, den kommer väl i februari som vanligt. OM den kommer…

Vore så skönt att ha det som min barndom var, minns ett år, med snöstorm, bodde på landet och vi fick strömavbrott, vi eldade i alla rummens braskaminer och kakelugnar. Vi lagade mat på vedspiseln och använde verandan som kyl/frysskåp.

Levande ljus… Så mysigt, och jag hade en kakelugn i mitt sovrum, och jag eldade i den hela natten och sov nog bättre än jag gjort någonsin sedan dess. Att somna och lyssna till en mysig liten brasa. Det är nästan som att ha sin älskling nära, att lyssna till hennes andning medan man långsamt somnar… Så rogivande…

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