Kategori: Jobbet

Reach for the sky, or ocean rather !

It has been a few quite eventful weeks. 
I do have a tendency to overdo things, yet, in the long run, I think the positive effects outdo the negative ones. It has been a blast, manoeuvring exercises, meteorology, administration, case studies. I know for a fact, what I want to do in the future. I will probably try to find myself a job on a big company, outside of Europe, to get my wings… Or sails rather 😉

But once I have grown my own sails, I will return to the costal trade because the best thing with this job, is the manoeuvring, to become one with the ship. To know her, and her quirks, and guide her to where I want her to go.

One is never better then the ship you are  guiding, yet, one can strive to ever improve on one’s skill.  I guess that this is one of my many faults, I have a need to improve on myself no matter what. I never settle for what is good enough, even if I might say so to people who might be listening.

Life is a steep learning curve, and I try to climb a few step each day.  

M/S Lofoten, mooring…

The silence is no more ! ;-)

I’ve been silent for quite some time, been participating in an other blog.
Since the 14th of August 2009 quite a bit has happened.
I’ve managed to fall deeply in love and move together with a lovely girl,
but after some months we decided that we just might have pushed things forward
just a bit too fast. So we decided to part our ways whilst we are good friends.
I guess it is the natural order of things, nevertheless it is not fun, not fun at all…
The past year has been something of a rollercoaster.
By my own fault I managed to become ”in between jobs”.
So I have spent my summer refurbishing my parents house instead.
I have kept myself quite busy, yet it is not the same as being at work.
But, I’ve finished yet another of the years in Kalmar. 😉
And the last of those years starts the 17th of August,
in other words, not that many days left 😉

But before I go back to Kindergarten, I will accompany my parents to Norway,
and to be more precise Hurtigrutten. We will go by ship, M/S Nordnorge,
from Kirkenes to Bergen. My cameras are prepared, got a new tripod,
an extra telephoto lens, and my father got a new Xanti VPC CG100.
So hopefully I will have a lot of photographic material to share with the world
when we get back, or even during the trip,
it all depends on time and the possibilities on the ship.

Simple life

I bought a rosé wine today out of curiosity, AUSSIE – Flamingo Blush (nr 6452), and I got pleasantly surprised. Is a lovely wine to brighten up a rainy day, or to enjoy on a sunny balcony. It is not that sweet, but its just sweet enough, for a rosé wine.

The last exam-period for the term are about to start, fingers crossed…
And after that I will go back to work, or to be more precise M/T Ramira, I look forward to have a new ship, a lot of new things to learn. And as part of my summer I will try to read up on Astronomical Navigation and Morse. So that I will have a head start on next term.

There is light in the other end of the tunnel, I see it, and I long for it !

A new, real life worth living, and share with those I love and hold dear.

Det kan tänkas vara dags att ta tag i detta.

Om nu jag skall behålla denna bloggen så är det ju lika bra att ta tag i den, lite grann i alla fall, hålla den på någon form av livsuppehållning.

Jag har sedan det senaste inlägget hunnit med mycket, det blev väl inte riktigt vad jag tänkte mig detta med bloggandet. Mitt andra hem har i alla fall varit det stolta fartyget Ramona.

Det skall erkännas att jag saknar henne, det är trots allt så, att fartygen man arbetar på får en lite speciell plats i ens hjärta.

Bilden är tagen i Milford Haven / Pembrook i våras.

Jag klev i land i augusti, och läser just nu på sjöbefälhögskolan i Kalmar.
Hitintills har det gått hyfsat, och jag hoppas det forstätter ticka på.

I skrivande stund får vi första snön, det är ca en halv centimeter snöslask och 0,7 grader varmt.
Hösten har övergått i den sydsvenska vintern.

Ombord, på jobbet…

Nu är jag ombord igen, på M/V Ramona, installerad i min hytt och gått min första vakt. Det är lite gropigt och när jag med supplybåt idag på morgonen åkte ut från Göteborg var det nästan som att åka bergodal bana mot slutet.
Jag åkte från hotellet vid 0200 och under den tidiga natten sprang det omkring en massa ”glada” norska barn och jollrade i korridorerna…
Nattportiern bad om ursäkt, när jag kom ner vid 0200 och checkade ut, utan att jag sade något, så de måste ha fått klagomål.
Men det var inget som störde för mycket.
Men nu måste jag sova lite, ta igen lite förlorad sömn…

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